
This is an information page for the WMS view service which complies with the specification of OGC WMS standard[1].
In order to get the response, the service should be called with parameters required by the specification.
Below are descriptions and examples of three basic service requests:
1. Get information about the service GetCapabilities Description Example
2. Get a map fragment GetMap Description Example
3. Get information about an object GetFeatureInfo Description Example

If you have questions or doubts about the service, please contact us:
Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii
ul. Żurawia 6/12, 00-926 Warszawa
e-mail: gugik@gugik.gov.pl, tel: +48 22 532-25-31

Map showing administrative units included in the service
2022-0149 072
2022-02249 820
2022-03263 843
2022-04229 339
2022-05875 338
2022-06379 113
2022-07369 605
2022-08379 277
2022-09414 427
2022-10570 801
2022-111 032 370
2022-121 111 176
2023-011 361 427
2023-02853 734
2023-031 212 431
2023-041 164 429
2023-051 146 153
2023-06942 675
2023-07981 154
2023-081 081 654
2023-09935 393
2023-10924 935
2023-11908 993
2023-12733 039
2024-01942 010
2024-02968 878
2024-031 050 789
2024-041 001 636
2024-05926 226
2024-06793 686
2024-07832 953
2024-08865 811
2024-09889 806
2024-10571 365
Σ27 013 358

Service statistics